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Pirate Queen Silk Scarf By Siobhan McKenna.

Pirate Queen Silk Scarf. Inspired by Siobhan McKenna

2 minute read 

Colour communicates subtle and not so subtle messages. 

It has the power to lift our mood, confidence and let the world know who we are.

The recent presidential inauguration in the US spoke loud and clear. Women are being seen, being heard and in power. What I love most about this, these women haven’t lost the best of their feminine qualities. They have brought the divine feminine to a gender imbalanced arena. 

If you don’t know about Jungian Archetypes, I urge you to look it up.

You’ll see the people you admire most often have a common archetype. You’ll also find these qualities that are attractive to you, are qualities you have – they may be dormant or you may be afraid to express them but they are waiting to be born. 

There are times we all feel vulnerable, insecure or unsure about life and whether we can take it to where we’d like to be.

Even the most independent of us can feel alone and in need of someone to tell us ‘It’ll be OK’. These are excellent times to summon the support and energy an archetype. An archetype can be someone you know, a mythical persona, someone famous or an animal.  

One of My Role ModelsIf the word archetype seems alien, switch to role model.

My mother was a strong woman. She rarely showed any weakness. She was a lioness as my sister says. We had the usual mother, daughter tug-of-war from teens through until she died. That was five years ago. Rarely a day goes by when I don’t think of her or that I don’t feel her presence. When I have a decision to make, I wonder what Mum would say or do. She may have driven me nuts at times but she was wise and usually right, which was infuriating. Worse – I’m a lot like her. 

I chose Connaught woman – Ireland’s Pirate Queen, Grace O’Malley (Gráinne Ní Mháille) for the first strong female archetype in my new scarf collectionG. Her story is extraordinary, especially for her time. You can read a little more about her adventures here. This was a complicated design with layers of symbolism woven into the final image. Each time you see it, I hope you will notice something new and it will evoke the feeling connected with it.

I chose the colours to reflect my understanding of this powerful, independent woman. Colours that reflect and project our inner strength too. If you have an understanding of chakras, you’ll see this immediately. Here’s a quick key to what each colour. Just as the new vice-president of the United States, the former first lady and humanitarian and cancer survivor all understand the power of colour and what it represents. 

Red, passion, root support 

Orange, creativity, vital energy, compassion 

Yellow,  self-esteem, trust in self, confidence

Purple: Royalty, high vibration, connection to your higher power, free spirit 

Fabric is 100% silk –  soft against the skin and a luxurious feel without irritation. Silk has wonderful thermal qualities so it retains body heat even though it is lightweight. The fabric is ethically sourced, has a low environmental impact (it naturally degrades in soil on disposal but with care, your scarf will last for many years). It is Oeko-tex certified, Italian printed and is made in small batches and hand-finished. We are a small Irish family business (mother and daughters). This is slow, sustainable fashion. Wear it. Own it. Be Brave. Be Epic. You’ve Got This.